Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLISPackage
Event Category: None
Event ID: 12550
Date: 4/18/2010
Time: 10:06:35 PM
Event Name: OnError
Message: File system error: A FileStore error from WriteFile occurred. Physical file: \\?\E:\ Projects\OLAP\Data\olap_tsc301.0.db\Dim Card.14.dim\77.Dim Card.bsstore. Logical file: . .
Operator: MyServer\SQLService
Source Name: Process OLAP_TSC301 DIM
Source ID: {2cf2f9b3-07fb-490a-abca-eb7cf83c1c2b}
Execution ID: {D0810E33-4776-4B32-A15E-107267F343C4}
Start Time: 4/18/2010 10:06:35 PM
End Time: 4/18/2010 10:06:35 PM
Data Code: -1056833471
It happen when your dimension file is growth over 4GB.
And you choose PROCESS UPDATE method to process dimensions.
I have errors issued and found on google search ,
to solve problem is FULL Process Cube for a moment. And I don't have a permanent solution to fix this problem.
I had this problem many times, until I found a totally unrelated article pertaining to a 4 GB limitation for the .asstore file in MOLAP dimensions. I talked to Microsoft, and they investigated and found that the limitation does exist. If it happens again, I would suggest browsing the data folder where the database exists and opening the failing dimension folder. If you see that the dimension file with a .asstore extension, or any other one that is over 4 GB, you have found your problem. There is nothing short of doing a full process on the dimension (which the Microsoft guy suggested, and I had to yell at him (in a nice way)) when it hits the limit. If you MUST Process Update and you cannot use ProcessAdd on your dimension, I would suggest breaking the dimension in a linear fashion into several dimensions (column by column), or finding a new way to build the dimension where it will not grow exponentially. A Process Update appends string data to the file, and that is why it gets so large. I would also suggest taking a look at the AS dimension and see if there are any character columns you can cut down in size.Ref site. http://geekswithblogs.net/darrengosbell/archive/2007/04/29/SSAS-ProcessUpdate---Too-much-of-a-good-thing.aspx
Problem resolved via redesign dimension key.
In my case , the old dimension key data type is character , Just change data type to integer and problem will gone!!